At a Glance

The dream of a perfect wedding is a cherished one for many, but the costs associated with it can sometimes be overwhelming. Some couples consider taking out a wedding loan to turn this dream into reality. A wedding loan is a personal loan specifically designed to cover wedding expenses. While it can be a convenient option, there are several crucial things to consider before taking this financial leap. Let’s explore the ins and outs of wedding loans and alternative ways to fund your special day.

In this article, you’ll learn about:



Average wedding debt among couples who take on debt for their wedding.

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Things you should know before considering a wedding loan

1. It’s a quick and easy way to get money

One of the main advantages of a wedding loan is the convenience and speed of obtaining the funds. Most lenders offer simple online applications, and if you meet the eligibility criteria, you can receive the loan amount in a matter of days. This can be particularly appealing if you need to cover last-minute expenses or secure a vendor with a deposit.

2. Low APR depending on your credit score

Wedding loans typically come with a lower Annual Percentage Rate (APR) than credit cards, making them more affordable. However, it’s essential to understand that the APR offered will depend on your credit score. Those with excellent credit may qualify for the lowest rates. In contrast, individuals with a less favorable credit history might face higher interest rates, making the loan more expensive in the long run.

3. You get a fixed repayment term

Unlike credit cards that offer revolving credit, wedding loans come with a fixed repayment term. This means you’ll have a predetermined period to repay the loan in fixed monthly installments. While this can provide structure and discipline to your financial planning, ensuring that the monthly payments fit comfortably within your budget is crucial.

4. They could have additional fees

When considering a wedding loan, be mindful of any additional fees. Some lenders might charge origination fees or prepayment penalties. Thoroughly read the loan agreement and ask the lender about all potential fees to understand the total cost of the loan.

5. You will be starting your marriage with debt

Taking out a wedding loan means starting your married life with a financial obligation. While a wedding is a beautiful celebration, the emotional and financial stress of debt can take a toll on newlyweds. A recent Credello survey of 1000 people ages 18 through 54 years old found that 20% of all respondents said they thought their wedding was unnecessarily expensive. Be sure to discuss the loan’s implications with your partner and consider whether you both are comfortable beginning your married life in debt.

Other factors to consider before applying for a wedding loan

1. Previous EMIs

Before applying for a wedding loan, assess your existing financial commitments, such as ongoing EMIs (Equated Monthly Installments) or outstanding debts. Adding another loan to an already strained budget might create unnecessary pressure on your finances.

2. Loan amount required

Evaluate the total cost of your wedding and determine the precise loan amount required. Borrowing more than necessary could lead to excessive debt while borrowing too little might leave you short on funds for essential expenses.

3. Credit score

Your credit score plays a significant role in determining the interest rate and loan eligibility. Obtain a copy of your credit report and check for any errors or discrepancies that could impact your loan application. If your credit score is less than ideal, consider improving it before applying for a loan.

4. Research all interest rates

Different lenders offer varying interest rates, so shopping around and comparing offers from multiple financial institutions is essential. Even a slight difference in interest rates can significantly impact the total repayment amount.

Should you get a wedding loan?

Deciding whether to obtain a wedding loan is a significant financial choice that requires careful consideration. Before making your decision, take some time to evaluate your individual circumstances and priorities. Assess the following factors to determine if a wedding loan aligns with your financial goals and capabilities:

1. Financial stability: Consider your current financial situation, including your income, existing debts, and monthly expenses. Can you comfortably accommodate loan repayments without compromising other essential financial obligations?

2. Long-term impact: Reflect on the long-term consequences of starting your married life with debt. Will taking on a wedding loan hinder your ability to achieve other financial goals, such as buying a home, saving for emergencies, or planning for the future?

3. Credit score: Your credit score will influence your wedding loan’s interest rate. If your credit score is less than ideal, you may face higher interest rates, making the loan more expensive.

4. Alternatives: Explore other ways to fund your wedding, such as utilizing personal savings, contributions from family and friends, or implementing cost-saving measures.

5. Personal comfort: Discuss the idea of taking on a wedding loan with your partner. Consider how both of you feel about beginning your married life with a financial obligation.

6. Loan amount: Evaluate the specific amount of money you need to borrow for your wedding. Borrowing more than necessary could lead to excess debt while borrowing too little might leave you short on funds for essential expenses.

7. Repayment plan: Understand the loan’s repayment terms, including the monthly installment amount and the loan duration. Ensure that you can comfortably manage the repayments within your budget.

Pros and cons of wedding loans

Pros Cons
Quick access to funds Starting a marriage with debt
Lower APR compared to credit cards Higher interest rates based on credit score
Fixed repayment term Additional fees may apply

Will a wedding loan affect your credit history?

Taking out a wedding loan can indeed impact your credit history. Your credit report will reflect your payment history and responsible handling of the loan. Timely payments can have a positive effect, whereas missed or late payments can lower your credit score.

What are other ways to cover wedding costs?

While a wedding loan is an option, there are alternative ways to finance your wedding.

1. Lower your wedding cost

Consider making cost-saving choices for your wedding. Opt for a smaller guest list, select a more budget-friendly venue, or explore do-it-yourself decorations to reduce expenses.

2. Postpone the wedding to save money

If possible, postpone the wedding to allow more time to save money and plan for the event without the need for a loan.

3. Ask your family or friends

Discuss the financial aspect of the wedding with family members or close friends who may be willing to contribute as a gift.

4. Spend on your credit cards strategically

If you have a credit card with a favorable interest rate and a generous credit limit, consider using it for some wedding expenses. A recent Credello wedding survey of 1000 people found that one out of three (33%) men took out a loan or financed their wedding with a credit card, compared to one out of five (20%) women. However, be cautious not to accumulate excessive credit card debt.


The loan amount you can get for a wedding loan depends on various factors, including your creditworthiness, income, and the lender’s policies. It’s essential to calculate the exact amount you need for your wedding and apply for a loan accordingly.

The best way to finance a wedding is through savings, contributions from family and friends, and careful spending. A wedding loan can be viable if you can comfortably manage the repayments and avoid excessive debt.

Related: Smart Ways to Finance a Wedding

Repaying a wedding loan involves monthly payments until the loan is fully paid off. Set up automatic payments or reminders to ensure you never miss a due date.

Most wedding loans are unsecured personal loans, meaning they do not require collateral. However, some lenders might request collateral to secure the loan if you have a poor credit score.

Yes, many couples take out personal loans, commonly known as wedding loans, to cover their wedding expenses. However, it’s crucial to carefully consider the financial implications before making this decision.