At a Glance

Personal loans have become a popular financial tool for individuals looking to cover various expenses, from consolidating debt to funding home improvements. However, the question that often arises is: how much can you actually borrow through a personal loan? The answer depends on a range of factors, including your income, credit score, existing debts, and the type of loan you’re seeking. Let’s explore the key considerations lenders consider when determining your personal loan eligibility and offer practical tips on qualifying for the maximum amount possible.

In this article, you’ll learn:



The average amount of new personal loans as of the fourth quarter of 2022.

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How much personal loan can I get?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to the amount you can borrow with a personal loan. Lenders evaluate your financial profile to assess the risk they’re taking on by lending you money. Several factors play a crucial role in determining your loan eligibility:

What factors are considered in eligibility for a personal loan?

1. Income

Your income level is a significant factor that lenders consider when deciding how much you can borrow. A higher income generally indicates a greater ability to repay the loan. Lenders will review your employment stability and your capacity to manage monthly loan payments.

2. Credit score

Your credit score is a key indicator of your creditworthiness. A higher credit score reflects a lower risk for lenders and can lead to more favorable loan terms and a higher borrowing limit. Lenders assess your credit history to gauge your track record of repaying debts.

3. Getting a secured or unsecured loan

The type of loan you’re applying for also affects the borrowing amount. Secured loans, backed by collateral like a car or home equity, may allow you to borrow more than unsecured loans, which are not backed by assets.

4. Current debts

Lenders consider your existing debts when calculating your loan eligibility. A high debt-to-income ratio may impact the amount you can borrow, suggesting a greater financial strain.

5. Having a co-signer

If your individual financial profile doesn’t meet the lender’s requirements, having a co-signer with a strong credit history and income can potentially help you qualify for a larger loan amount.

How much can you afford to borrow?

While you might be eligible for a certain loan amount, it’s essential to determine how much you can realistically afford to borrow. Taking on too much debt can lead to financial stress and difficulties in repaying the loan. Analyze your budget and calculate your monthly payment capacity before committing to a loan.

Imagine you’re considering a personal loan of $15,000 at an interest rate of 6.%. The following breakdown demonstrates how various loan terms can affect your monthly payments and the total interest paid:

Loan term: 3 years

  • Monthly Payment: $459
  • Total Interest Paid: $1,304.28

Loan term: 5 years

  • Monthly Payment: $295
  • Total Interest Paid: $1,697.08

Loan term: 7 years

  • Monthly Payment: $230
  • Total Interest Paid: $2,188.47

How can I qualify for the maximum amount offered?

If you’re aiming to secure the highest possible loan amount, there are several steps you can take to enhance your eligibility.

1. Credit score and credit report

Maintain a strong credit score by making timely payments on existing debts and resolving any credit report errors. A higher credit score can open doors to larger loan amounts.

2. Employment history

A stable employment history demonstrates your ability to generate a steady income, making you a more attractive candidate for a larger loan.

3. Income and debt-to-income ratio

Increasing your income and decreasing your debt-to-income ratio can improve your loan eligibility. Consider options like a side gig or paying down high-interest debts.

4. Loan type: Secured loan vs. unsecured loan

A secured loan might allow you to borrow more, thanks to the collateral involved. However, remember that the risk of losing the collateral is a trade-off.

5. Pay down existing debt

Reducing your existing debt balances can enhance your credit profile and free up your debt-to-income ratio, potentially making you eligible for a larger loan.

6. Shop multiple lenders

Different lenders have varying criteria for loan approval. Shopping around and comparing offers can help you find the lender offering the maximum loan amount that suits your needs.

Final thoughts

When considering a personal loan, balancing your borrowing needs and your financial capacity is crucial. Understanding the factors lenders assess and taking proactive steps to improve your eligibility can help you secure the maximum loan amount possible without compromising your financial stability.


Personal loans are offered by banks, credit unions, and online lenders. Research various options to find the one that offers the best terms for your situation.

Related: Where is the Best Place to Get a Personal Loan?

Qualifying for a personal loan involves meeting the lender’s criteria, including income, credit score, and employment history.

Personal loans are versatile and can be used for various purposes, such as consolidating debt, covering medical expenses, or funding a major purchase.

While it’s possible to have multiple loans, it’s essential to consider your repayment ability and the impact on your credit before taking on additional debt.

Yes, a co-signer with a strong credit history and income can increase your chances of qualifying for a larger loan.

To apply for a personal loan, gather the required documents, such as proof of income and identification, and fill out an application with your chosen lender.