At a Glance

Managing credit card payments is an essential aspect of personal finance. However, there are times when individuals may find themselves falling behind on their credit card payments, leading to credit card delinquency. Understanding how credit card delinquency works and its implications is crucial for maintaining a healthy financial standing. Let’s explore what credit card delinquency is, how it works, how to find delinquency in your credit report, what to do when your credit card is delinquent, the consequences of credit card delinquency, how to avoid it, and how to recover from it.

In this article, you’ll learn:



The 30-day delinquency rate as of the first quarter of 2023.

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What is credit card delinquency?

Credit card delinquency occurs when a credit cardholder fails to make the minimum required payment by the due date specified on their credit card statement. Delinquency can range from being a few days late to missing multiple payments over an extended period. Once payment becomes past due, it is considered delinquent.

How does credit card delinquency work?

Credit card delinquency typically follows a specific process. Initially, when a payment is missed, the credit card issuer may charge a late fee. As the delinquency continues, the cardholder’s account status is updated accordingly, and the issuer may increase the interest rate on the outstanding balance.

How to find delinquency in your credit report?

To identify credit card delinquency in your credit report, you can request a copy of your report from the major credit reporting bureaus. Look for any late payments or delinquencies listed under your credit card accounts. These entries will indicate the duration of delinquency and provide insight into its impact on your credit history.

What should you do when your credit card is delinquent?

1. Contact issuer

If you are in a delinquent credit card situation, the first step is contacting your credit card issuer. Discuss your financial difficulties and explore possible solutions. They may offer alternatives such as adjusting payment terms or setting up a repayment plan to help you get back on track.

2. Probability of high interest and low payment

It’s important to note that when your credit card is delinquent, the issuer may raise your interest rate, making it harder to pay off the outstanding balance. Additionally, they may require only the minimum payment, prolonging the time to become debt-free. This can lead to an accumulation of interest and potential financial strain.

3. Might lose rewards

Another consequence of credit card delinquency is the possibility of losing any rewards or benefits associated with your credit card. Some issuers may suspend or cancel rewards programs for delinquent accounts, diminishing the cardholder’s incentive for using the card.

4. Make a proper plan

When dealing with credit card delinquency, creating a comprehensive plan to address the outstanding debt is crucial. Assess your overall financial situation, prioritize debt repayment, and consider seeking guidance from a financial advisor or credit counseling service to develop a realistic and achievable repayment strategy.

Consequences of credit card delinquency

Credit card delinquency can have severe consequences on your financial well-being:

1. Damage to credit score: Delinquencies are reported to credit bureaus, resulting in negative marks on your credit report. This can lower your credit score and make it harder to obtain credit in the future.

2. Increased interest rates: Delinquency may lead to increased interest rates on your credit card, making it more challenging to pay off the balance and potentially trapping you in a cycle of debt.

3. Collection efforts: In more severe cases of delinquency, the credit card issuer may initiate collection efforts, including contacting you for payment, hiring a debt collection agency, or even taking legal action.

4. Difficulty obtaining credit: Credit card delinquency can negatively impact your ability to secure loans, mortgages, or even rent an apartment, as lenders and landlords often review credit reports to assess creditworthiness.

How to avoid credit card delinquency?

1. Prepare budget plan

Create a budget that outlines your income and expenses, including credit card payments. By understanding your financial limitations, you can avoid overspending and ensure you have enough funds to meet your credit card obligations.

2. Use your credit card to a limit

Avoid maxing out your credit card or using a significant portion of your available credit. Keeping your credit utilization ratio low demonstrates responsible credit management and reduces the risk of falling behind on payments.

3. Check your bill regularly

Review your credit card statements promptly and verify the accuracy of each transaction. This helps identify discrepancies or unauthorized charges early on and allows you to address them promptly.

4. Can opt for autopay

Consider setting up automatic payments for your credit card to ensure you never miss a due date. This way, payments are automatically deducted from your bank account, reducing the risk of forgetfulness or oversight.

5. Build an emergency fund

Establish an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses or financial hardships. Having a cushion of savings can prevent you from relying solely on credit cards during challenging times, reducing the likelihood of delinquency.

6. Check for more options

If you’re struggling to make credit card payments, consider contacting a credit counseling agency or seeking advice from a financial professional. They can guide debt management strategies and potentially negotiate with creditors on your behalf.

How to recover credit card delinquency?

Recovering from credit card delinquency requires commitment and discipline. Here are steps to help you bounce back:

1. Create a repayment plan: Assess your financial situation and develop a repayment plan that aligns with your budget. Allocate additional funds towards paying off delinquent balances while making timely payments on other obligations.

2. Stick to your plan: Stay consistent with your repayment strategy, making regular payments and avoiding further delinquencies.

3. Rebuild credit: Your credit score will gradually improve as you make on-time payments and demonstrate responsible credit behavior. This will increase your chances of qualifying for better credit terms.

4. Seek professional help if needed: If your debt situation feels overwhelming, consider consulting a credit counselor or financial advisor who can offer expert guidance and assist in developing a customized plan to regain control of your finances.


Delinquencies can remain on your credit report for up to seven years. However, as you establish a positive payment history and time passes, their impact on your credit score diminishes.

Credit card delinquency rates vary over time and depend on various factors such as economic conditions, consumer spending habits, and individual financial situations. Monitoring industry reports and statistics can provide insights into current delinquency rates.

Credit card delinquency typically progresses through stages, such as 30 days past due, 60 days past due, 90 days past due, and so on. Each stage may incur additional fees, increased interest rates, and severe consequences.

Removing credit card delinquency from your credit report is challenging, as accurate negative information generally remains for the specified period. However, practicing responsible credit management, making on-time payments, and rebuilding a positive credit history can offset the impact over time.

Credit card delinquencies can remain on your credit report for up to seven years. The precise duration depends on the specific credit reporting agency and the type of delinquency.