Take control of your finances with Credello. And, it starts with taking the first step of securing your financial future with the best education.
College education costs are skyrocketing every year, so we ran a contest from January through 15th August, 2023 where students submitted a video on themes around their scholarship.
Scholarship candidates were tasked with producing an engaging, unique, and educational video featuring their perspective on one of four topics: Can YOLO and frugality coexist?, What is financial fitness to you?, If you suddenly get a million dollars, what would you do with it?”, and “What is your financial superpower?”.
Congrats to the three winners on asking us to think in a different way and winning Credello’s College Scholarship 2023!
DePaul University,
Chicago, Illinois
Video Entry:
The application process for Credello’s video contest scholarship was by far my favorite compared to others that I have experienced. I always found myself applying for scholarships with the same limiting criteria, however, the Credello’s scholarship allowed me to express all aspects of myself, I truly enjoyed being a part of this scholarship video contest. Not only does Credello grant its applicants a reasonable reward, but it also gives applicants the opportunity to express both their logical and creative sides.
Princeton University,
New Jersey
Video Entry:
I feel deeply honored to have been selected for the generous Credello scholarship! I extend my sincerest appreciation to Credello for their support of students and their service in helping us establish financially secure futures. This scholarship is helping me pursue the education and career of my dreams and for that, I am truly grateful.
Georgia Gwinnett College, Georgia
Video Entry:
WOW. I want to give a huge thank you to everyone at Credello for first allowing me the opportunity to apply to such a creative scholarship. The funds received from the scholarship will greatly help me focus more on my graduate school plans by affording me extra time to study for entrance exams instead of working. I am both incredibly honored and humbled to receive a finalist nomination for the 2023 Credello Scholarship. To everyone involved in the scholarship process, thank you. The decision to pick three finalists out of the hundreds of applications could not have been easy. It truly means a lot!
Winners Notified
Via Email
Scholarship Cheque Mailed to the Winner
Create a fun and informational video of yourself explaining your take on themes provided below. Leaning on your personal experiences and keeping it original will be the key to win!
Choose one of the themes below and prepare a draft outline of pointers that you can confidently cover in your video.
Shoot an interesting video explaining your take on the theme chosen.
Upload your video on this contact form along with the required details.
Can YOLO co-exist
with frugality?
If you suddenly
get a million dollars,
what would you do
with it?
What is
financial fitness
to you?
What is your
financial superpower?
Submitted videos will be rated based on the following criteria and only the best one will qualify as the winner: