If you’re wondering why your credit score isn’t going up, look at your spending habits. A key part of improving your credit score is keeping an eye on what you’re buying and how often you’re using credit. Each time you pull out the plastic to make a purchase, it appears on your credit report. If you find yourself using more than 30% of your available credit, that can hurt your credit score. Another thing to remember is to pay bills on time. Recurring bills like rent and utilities are reported monthly to the major credit bureaus. Make sure these are paid off before the due date for maximum benefit. Getting a handle on spending can help raise your credit score over time, leading to better loan terms and other financial rewards.

Only 1.2%

of Americans have the highest possible credit score of 850

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1. You have missed some payments

Making a few late payments or missing them altogether can greatly impact that score. Every time you make a payment late, your creditor will report it to the credit bureaus, lowering your credit score. And if you miss payments altogether, that tells creditors that there is reason to doubt whether or not you will be able to meet future repayment obligations, which can even lead to debt collection or bankruptcy proceedings. Bottom line: making sure your payments are up-to-date is one of the most important steps you can take if you want to maintain an impressive credit score.

Related: Late Payments on Your Credit Report

2. You have a high debt balance

The amount of debt you carry has an immense impact on your credit score. It is a factor that lenders consider when determining whether to offer you a loan or at what interest rate. When your debt balance climbs high, it can hurt your credit score because it suggests that you may not be able to make all your payments on time and haven’t been able to keep up with past credit obligations. Most importantly, consistently making minimum monthly payments on all debts will help improve your overall debt situation and raise your credit score.

3. You’re new to credit and have a limited credit history

Understanding their credit score may feel like an uphill battle for people who are new to credit and have a limited credit history. Your payment history and amount of debt are essential factors in determining your credit score, but not having any credit history at all can raise major red flags that could lead to having a low or poor score. Bank lenders prefer to lend to people with established records of responsible use of debt, so new borrowers need to start establishing a positive history. Opening a credit card, making on-time payments, and maintaining manageable debt levels can help build your credit over time and increase your overall score.

4. You apply for many new accounts often

Applying for too many new accounts can have a major effect on your credit score. This is because when you apply for a loan, store line of credit, etc., the lender checks with one or more credit bureaus. This check is known as a “hard inquiry,” and it affects your credit since it shows potential lenders that you have recently requested new financing. Additionally, when multiple hard inquiries are reported to a single bureau quickly, they can appear as one and significantly lower your score. It’s important to note that even if you don’t take out each loan, pre-approved lenders request your credit report, which can reduce your score slightly even if you don’t accept the offer.

5. Your credit profile is one dimensional

Having a one-dimensional credit profile can have a significant impact on your credit score. The size of this impact depends on whether the single form of credit is used responsibly. For example, if you use a single credit card to make timely payments and remain well within your spending limit, your score will be high, but if you take on too much debt or become delinquent with payments, your score could suffer greatly. Since lenders prefer a diverse mix of loan types when evaluating potential borrowers, having only one form of credit can limit their confidence in you as an option for future loans. To help manage risks associated with having limited access to different types of credit, it is essential to track account activity and maintain financial responsibility even with just one type of loan.

6. There’s incorrect information reported about your account

It’s important to be mindful of how incorrect information reported on your account impacts your credit score. It can be an easy mistake to make, but it can have serious consequences if not caught and corrected promptly. When inaccuracies appear in your credit file, they can lead to incorrect reports being shared amongst financial institutions and potential creditors. This can cause drastic drops in credit scores or even difficulty obtaining mortgages or other lending products. Taking active steps to monitor your credit report and disputing incorrect information is key to maintaining a good credit standing and achieving long-term financial health.

Related: Can Disputing Credit Report Hurt Your Credit?

7. You are a victim of identity theft

Identity theft is a very serious issue that can have major implications, such as severely damaging your credit score. It can be expensive and time-consuming to restore one’s identity after identity theft, and victims may be unable to access loans or apply for other credit products. In addition to the inconvenience of dealing with the aftermath of identity theft, having chargebacks on one’s credit report from fraudulent purchases or even missed payments due to stolen accounts may cause their credit score to plunge significantly. The best way to protect yourself is through prevention: make sure you keep up with any suspicious activity that appears on your bank account or credit reports and never give away personal information online unless it’s secure and reputable.

Related: What is Credit Monitoring?

8. You are unaware of a default judgment

Being unaware of a default judgment could have long-lasting impacts on your credit score. A default judgment is a court ruling that takes effect if a person fails to defend themselves in response to a lawsuit. If you were unaware of the suit levied against you, it still stands and will likely negatively impact your credit score. Default judgments stick around for seven years, even after they are paid off, meaning they can seriously damage your financial standing over the course of this time and make it extremely difficult to secure loans or other forms of borrowing. It’s important now more than ever, then, to be mindful of any legal action taken against you at any time so that you can protect yourself and your credit score going forward.

9. You have negative items on your report

Having negative items on your credit report is a serious concern, as it can negatively impact your credit score. These items could include late payments, bankruptcies, or even collections. The things stay on your report for at least seven years and will result in a lower credit score if they’re not addressed. Even if you manage to pay off the debt that the negative item represents, it still significantly affects your score unless you can get it removed from the report entirely. Negative items can lead to higher interest rates on loans and other financial products and prevent lenders from offering you a loan.

10. You already have excellent credit

Once you already have excellent credit, it can be challenging to make your credit score go up any further. This is because when you achieve a high enough credit score, there is no more room for improvement as the scores eventually reach a maximum limit. It is simply not possible for lenders to extend your credit much higher than what you are already offered and approved for. That being said, even with an excellent credit score, certain activities can still help maintain the rating, such as making timely payments and keeping low usage of existing accounts. Doing these things on top of having an impressive score will ensure that you remain in good financial standing with potential creditors.

Related: Credit Score Ranges

What can you do to increase your credit score?

There are several things you can do to increase your credit score:

  • Make payments on time: Payment history is one of the most critical factors that affect your credit score. Paying your bills on time is crucial for maintaining a good credit score.
  • Reduce your credit utilization: Credit utilization is the percentage of your available credit that you’re using. Keep your credit utilization below 30% of your credit limit to boost your score.
  • Maintain a diverse credit mix: Having a combination of different types of credit, such as credit cards, auto loans, and mortgages, can help improve your credit score.
  • Keep old accounts open: Length of credit history is another important factor in determining your credit score. Keeping your older accounts open can help improve your credit history.
  • Check your credit report for errors: Your credit report may contain mistakes that could negatively impact your score. Make sure to check your credit report regularly and dispute any errors.
  • Limit new credit applications: Applying for too much credit at once can hurt your credit score, so limit new credit applications unless you need them.

Learn more: How to Improve Your Credit Score?


There could be several reasons why your credit score is staying constant. Here are a few possibilities:

  • Lack of activity: If you haven’t used credit recently or have not applied for any new credit, then your credit score may not change. Your credit score is based on your credit activity and payment history, so your score may stay the same if you haven’t had any recent credit activity.
  • Consistent payment behavior: If you consistently make your payments on time and keep your credit utilization low, your score may not change much over time. This is a good thing, as it indicates responsible credit management.
  • Errors on your credit report: Your credit score is based on the information in your credit report, so if there are errors on your report, they could be affecting your score. You can request a free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) once per year, and if you find errors, you can dispute them with the credit bureau.
  • Changes in credit utilization: Your credit utilization, or the amount of credit you are using compared to your credit limit, can greatly impact your credit score. If you have consistently high utilization, your score may not change much, but if you start using more or less credit, your score could also change.

Improving your credit score can be a daunting and time-consuming task, but the rewards are worth it in the end. The fastest way to raise your credit score is to start by tackling any existing debt and trying to pay it off as quickly as possible; that means forgoing other expenses like family vacations or dining out. Additionally, ensuring all bills are paid on time each month will help keep overdue amounts from accumulating and incurring unnecessary negative markings on your credit history. A key piece of advice here is always to watch one’s credit utilization ratio; aim to stay below 20% for best results, so keep close track of how much of your available credit you are using.

The time it takes for your credit score to update after payment can vary depending on several factors, such as the creditor’s reporting cycle and the credit bureau’s update schedule. Generally, credit card companies and other lenders report your payment activity to the credit bureaus once per month, usually, after the statement period has ended.

Once the information is reported to the credit bureau, it typically takes a few days for the credit bureau to update your credit report with the new information. After that, it may take another few days for the credit score to be updated based on the new information.

Overall, it’s reasonable to expect your credit score to update within a few weeks after making a payment, but the exact timing can vary. It’s important to make your payments on time and monitor your credit report regularly to ensure that your payments are being reported accurately and your credit score reflects your positive payment behavior.