40% of parents say childcare costs have caused tension in their relationship.
73% of working parents say their job has been affected because of childcare plans falling through at the last minute, with 64% having to use sick days and 54% being late to work as a result.
Mental Health
40% of parents say childcare costs have caused tension in their relationship.
73% of working parents say their job has been affected because of childcare plans falling through at the last minute, with 64% having to use sick days and 54% being late to work as a result.
Nearly 2 out of 3 parents (63%) say that childcare costs influenced their career decisions.
33% changed jobs to make more money due to childcare costs
27% asked for a more flexible work schedule.
More than half (53%) of parents have gone into debt to buy nonessential items or experiences for their children.
Over half of parents (52%) said they overspend because they want their children to have a better life than they did.
About 3 out of 5 (61%) parents have felt pressure to spend money they didn’t have to buy nonessentials for their children.
Any parent will tell you that raising a family is expensive but they will also tell you it is absolutely worth it. And there are plenty of ways to cut costs and still have a healthy, happy family.
Eating at home, handing down clothes, and teaching your children to save money from a young age are a few of the ways to promote financial health at home.
If you are struggling with debt or just want to get a better handle on your finances before you have a family, there are options. MyCredello is a free personal finance tool that helps relieve those debt pain points. Enter training mode to build your financial fitness and be well on your way to debt freedom.